// @ts-nocheck // version base on commit 43fad05dcdae3b723c53c226f8181fc5bd47223e, time is 2023-06-22 15:20:02 UTC. // @ts-ignore // https://github.com/bia-pain-bache/BPB-Worker-Panel import { connect } from 'cloudflare:sockets'; // How to generate your own UUID: // https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ let userID = '89b3cbba-e6ac-485a-9481-976a0415eab9'; // https://www.nslookup.io/domains/cdn.xn--b6gac.eu.org/dns-records/ // https://www.nslookup.io/domains/cdn-all.xn--b6gac.eu.org/dns-records/ const proxyIPs= ['cdn.xn--b6gac.eu.org', 'cdn-all.xn--b6gac.eu.org', 'edgetunnel.anycast.eu.org', '', '', '', '', '']; const defaultHttpPorts = ['80', '8080', '2052', '2082', '2086', '2095', '8880']; const defaultHttpsPorts = ['443', '8443', '2053', '2083', '2087', '2096']; let proxyIP = proxyIPs[Math.floor(Math.random() * proxyIPs.length)]; let dohURL = 'https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query'; let panelVersion = '2.4.4'; if (!isValidUUID(userID)) { throw new Error('uuid is not valid'); } export default { /** * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Request} request * @param {{UUID: string, PROXYIP: string, DNS_RESOLVER_URL: string}} env * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").ExecutionContext} ctx * @returns {Promise} */ async fetch(request, env, ctx) { try { userID = env.UUID || userID; proxyIP = env.PROXYIP || proxyIP; dohURL = env.DNS_RESOLVER_URL || dohURL; const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade'); if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader !== 'websocket') { const url = new URL(request.url); const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(url.search); const host = request.headers.get('Host'); const client = searchParams.get('app'); switch (url.pathname) { case '/cf': return new Response(JSON.stringify(request.cf, null, 4), { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8', }, }); case `/sub/${userID}`: if (client === 'sfa') { const BestPingSFA = await getSingboxConfig(env, host); return new Response(`${JSON.stringify(BestPingSFA, null, 4)}`, { status: 200 }); } const normalConfigs = await getNormalConfigs(env, host, client); return new Response(normalConfigs, { status: 200 }); case `/fragsub/${userID}`: let fragConfigs = await getFragmentConfigs(env, host, 'v2ray'); fragConfigs = fragConfigs.map(config => config.config); return new Response(`${JSON.stringify(fragConfigs, null, 4)}`, { status: 200 }); case `/warpsub/${userID}`: const wowConfig = await getWarpConfigs(env, client); return new Response(`${JSON.stringify(wowConfig, null, 4)}`, { status: 200 }); case '/panel': if (typeof env.bpb !== 'object') { const errorPage = renderErrorPage('KV Dataset is not properly set!', null, true); return new Response(errorPage, { status: 200, headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}}); } const isAuth = await Authenticate(request, env); if (request.method === 'POST') { if (!isAuth) return new Response('Unauthorized', { status: 401 }); const formData = await request.formData(); await updateDataset(env, formData); return new Response('Success', { status: 200 }); } if (!isAuth) return Response.redirect(`${url.origin}/login`, 302); const proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); const isUpdated = panelVersion === proxySettings?.panelVersion; if (!proxySettings || !isUpdated) await updateDataset(env); const fragConfs = await getFragmentConfigs(env, host, 'nekoray'); const homePage = await renderHomePage(env, host, fragConfs); return new Response(homePage, { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': url.origin, 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Authorization', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin' } }); case '/login': if (typeof env.bpb !== 'object') { const errorPage = renderErrorPage('KV Dataset is not properly set!', null, true); return new Response(errorPage, { status: 200, headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}}); } const loginAuth = await Authenticate(request, env); if (loginAuth) return Response.redirect(`${url.origin}/panel`, 302); let secretKey = await env.bpb.get('secretKey'); const pwd = await env.bpb.get('pwd'); if (!pwd) await env.bpb.put('pwd', 'admin'); if (!secretKey) { secretKey = generateSecretKey(); await env.bpb.put('secretKey', secretKey); } if (request.method === 'POST') { const password = await request.text(); const savedPass = await env.bpb.get('pwd'); if (password === savedPass) { const jwtToken = generateJWTToken(secretKey, password); const cookieHeader = `jwtToken=${jwtToken}; HttpOnly; Secure; Max-Age=${7 * 24 * 60 * 60}; Path=/; SameSite=Strict`; return new Response('Success', { status: 200, headers: { 'Set-Cookie': cookieHeader, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', } }); } else { return new Response('Method Not Allowed', { status: 405 }); } } const loginPage = await renderLoginPage(); return new Response(loginPage, { status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': url.origin, 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type, Authorization', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'Referrer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin' } }); case '/logout': return new Response('Success', { status: 200, headers: { 'Set-Cookie': 'jwtToken=; Secure; SameSite=None; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } }); case '/panel/password': let passAuth = await Authenticate(request, env); if (!passAuth) return new Response('Unauthorized!', { status: 401 }); const newPwd = await request.text(); const oldPwd = await env.bpb.get('pwd'); if (newPwd === oldPwd) return new Response('Please enter a new Password!', { status: 400 }); await env.bpb.put('pwd', newPwd); return new Response('Success', { status: 200, headers: { 'Set-Cookie': 'jwtToken=; Path=/; Secure; SameSite=None; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', } }); default: // return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 }); url.hostname = 'www.speedtest.net'; url.protocol = 'https:'; request = new Request(url, request); return await fetch(request); } } else { return await vlessOverWSHandler(request); } } catch (err) { /** @type {Error} */ let e = err; const errorPage = renderErrorPage('Something went wrong!', e.message.toString(), false); return new Response(errorPage, { status: 200, headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}}); } }, }; /** * Handles VLESS over WebSocket requests by creating a WebSocket pair, accepting the WebSocket connection, and processing the VLESS header. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Request} request The incoming request object. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves to a WebSocket response object. */ async function vlessOverWSHandler(request) { const webSocketPair = new WebSocketPair(); const [client, webSocket] = Object.values(webSocketPair); webSocket.accept(); let address = ''; let portWithRandomLog = ''; let currentDate = new Date(); const log = (/** @type {string} */ info, /** @type {string | undefined} */ event) => { console.log(`[${currentDate} ${address}:${portWithRandomLog}] ${info}`, event || ''); }; const earlyDataHeader = request.headers.get('sec-websocket-protocol') || ''; const readableWebSocketStream = makeReadableWebSocketStream(webSocket, earlyDataHeader, log); /** @type {{ value: import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket | null}}*/ let remoteSocketWapper = { value: null, }; let udpStreamWrite = null; let isDns = false; // ws --> remote readableWebSocketStream.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ async write(chunk, controller) { if (isDns && udpStreamWrite) { return udpStreamWrite(chunk); } if (remoteSocketWapper.value) { const writer = remoteSocketWapper.value.writable.getWriter() await writer.write(chunk); writer.releaseLock(); return; } const { hasError, message, portRemote = 443, addressRemote = '', rawDataIndex, vlessVersion = new Uint8Array([0, 0]), isUDP, } = processVlessHeader(chunk, userID); address = addressRemote; portWithRandomLog = `${portRemote} ${isUDP ? 'udp' : 'tcp'} `; if (hasError) { // controller.error(message); throw new Error(message); // cf seems has bug, controller.error will not end stream // webSocket.close(1000, message); return; } // If UDP and not DNS port, close it if (isUDP && portRemote !== 53) { throw new Error('UDP proxy only enabled for DNS which is port 53'); // cf seems has bug, controller.error will not end stream } if (isUDP && portRemote === 53) { isDns = true; } // ["version", "附加信息长度 N"] const vlessResponseHeader = new Uint8Array([vlessVersion[0], 0]); const rawClientData = chunk.slice(rawDataIndex); // TODO: support udp here when cf runtime has udp support if (isDns) { const { write } = await handleUDPOutBound(webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log); udpStreamWrite = write; udpStreamWrite(rawClientData); return; } handleTCPOutBound(request, remoteSocketWapper, addressRemote, portRemote, rawClientData, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log); }, close() { log(`readableWebSocketStream is close`); }, abort(reason) { log(`readableWebSocketStream is abort`, JSON.stringify(reason)); }, })).catch((err) => { log('readableWebSocketStream pipeTo error', err); }); return new Response(null, { status: 101, webSocket: client, }); } /** * Handles outbound TCP connections. * * @param {any} remoteSocket * @param {string} addressRemote The remote address to connect to. * @param {number} portRemote The remote port to connect to. * @param {Uint8Array} rawClientData The raw client data to write. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket to pass the remote socket to. * @param {Uint8Array} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header. * @param {function} log The logging function. * @returns {Promise} The remote socket. */ async function handleTCPOutBound(request, remoteSocket, addressRemote, portRemote, rawClientData, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log,) { /** * Connects to a given address and port and writes data to the socket. * @param {string} address The address to connect to. * @param {number} port The port to connect to. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves to the connected socket. */ async function connectAndWrite(address, port) { /** @type {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket} */ const tcpSocket = connect({ hostname: address, port: port, }); remoteSocket.value = tcpSocket; log(`connected to ${address}:${port}`); const writer = tcpSocket.writable.getWriter(); await writer.write(rawClientData); // first write, nomal is tls client hello writer.releaseLock(); return tcpSocket; } /** * Retries connecting to the remote address and port if the Cloudflare socket has no incoming data. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the retry is complete. */ async function retry() { const { pathname } = new URL(request.url); let panelProxyIP = pathname.split('/')[2]; panelProxyIP = panelProxyIP ? atob(panelProxyIP) : undefined; const tcpSocket = await connectAndWrite(panelProxyIP || proxyIP || addressRemote, portRemote); tcpSocket.closed.catch(error => { console.log('retry tcpSocket closed error', error); }).finally(() => { safeCloseWebSocket(webSocket); }) remoteSocketToWS(tcpSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, null, log); } const tcpSocket = await connectAndWrite(addressRemote, portRemote); // when remoteSocket is ready, pass to websocket // remote--> ws remoteSocketToWS(tcpSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, retry, log); } /** * Creates a readable stream from a WebSocket server, allowing for data to be read from the WebSocket. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocketServer The WebSocket server to create the readable stream from. * @param {string} earlyDataHeader The header containing early data for WebSocket 0-RTT. * @param {(info: string)=> void} log The logging function. * @returns {ReadableStream} A readable stream that can be used to read data from the WebSocket. */ function makeReadableWebSocketStream(webSocketServer, earlyDataHeader, log) { let readableStreamCancel = false; const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { webSocketServer.addEventListener('message', (event) => { const message = event.data; controller.enqueue(message); }); webSocketServer.addEventListener('close', () => { safeCloseWebSocket(webSocketServer); controller.close(); }); webSocketServer.addEventListener('error', (err) => { log('webSocketServer has error'); controller.error(err); }); const { earlyData, error } = base64ToArrayBuffer(earlyDataHeader); if (error) { controller.error(error); } else if (earlyData) { controller.enqueue(earlyData); } }, pull(controller) { // if ws can stop read if stream is full, we can implement backpressure // https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#example-rs-push-backpressure }, cancel(reason) { log(`ReadableStream was canceled, due to ${reason}`) readableStreamCancel = true; safeCloseWebSocket(webSocketServer); } }); return stream; } // https://xtls.github.io/development/protocols/vless.html // https://github.com/zizifn/excalidraw-backup/blob/main/v2ray-protocol.excalidraw /** * Processes the VLESS header buffer and returns an object with the relevant information. * @param {ArrayBuffer} vlessBuffer The VLESS header buffer to process. * @param {string} userID The user ID to validate against the UUID in the VLESS header. * @returns {{ * hasError: boolean, * message?: string, * addressRemote?: string, * addressType?: number, * portRemote?: number, * rawDataIndex?: number, * vlessVersion?: Uint8Array, * isUDP?: boolean * }} An object with the relevant information extracted from the VLESS header buffer. */ function processVlessHeader(vlessBuffer, userID) { if (vlessBuffer.byteLength < 24) { return { hasError: true, message: 'invalid data', }; } const version = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(0, 1)); let isValidUser = false; let isUDP = false; const slicedBuffer = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(1, 17)); const slicedBufferString = stringify(slicedBuffer); // check if userID is valid uuid or uuids split by , and contains userID in it otherwise return error message to console const uuids = userID.includes(',') ? userID.split(",") : [userID]; // uuid_validator(hostName, slicedBufferString); // isValidUser = uuids.some(userUuid => slicedBufferString === userUuid.trim()); isValidUser = uuids.some(userUuid => slicedBufferString === userUuid.trim()) || uuids.length === 1 && slicedBufferString === uuids[0].trim(); console.log(`userID: ${slicedBufferString}`); if (!isValidUser) { return { hasError: true, message: 'invalid user', }; } const optLength = new Uint8Array(vlessBuffer.slice(17, 18))[0]; //skip opt for now const command = new Uint8Array( vlessBuffer.slice(18 + optLength, 18 + optLength + 1) )[0]; // 0x01 TCP // 0x02 UDP // 0x03 MUX if (command === 1) { isUDP = false; } else if (command === 2) { isUDP = true; } else { return { hasError: true, message: `command ${command} is not support, command 01-tcp,02-udp,03-mux`, }; } const portIndex = 18 + optLength + 1; const portBuffer = vlessBuffer.slice(portIndex, portIndex + 2); // port is big-Endian in raw data etc 80 == 0x005d const portRemote = new DataView(portBuffer).getUint16(0); let addressIndex = portIndex + 2; const addressBuffer = new Uint8Array( vlessBuffer.slice(addressIndex, addressIndex + 1) ); // 1--> ipv4 addressLength =4 // 2--> domain name addressLength=addressBuffer[1] // 3--> ipv6 addressLength =16 const addressType = addressBuffer[0]; let addressLength = 0; let addressValueIndex = addressIndex + 1; let addressValue = ''; switch (addressType) { case 1: addressLength = 4; addressValue = new Uint8Array( vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength) ).join('.'); break; case 2: addressLength = new Uint8Array( vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + 1) )[0]; addressValueIndex += 1; addressValue = new TextDecoder().decode( vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength) ); break; case 3: addressLength = 16; const dataView = new DataView( vlessBuffer.slice(addressValueIndex, addressValueIndex + addressLength) ); // 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 const ipv6 = []; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ipv6.push(dataView.getUint16(i * 2).toString(16)); } addressValue = ipv6.join(':'); // seems no need add [] for ipv6 break; default: return { hasError: true, message: `invild addressType is ${addressType}`, }; } if (!addressValue) { return { hasError: true, message: `addressValue is empty, addressType is ${addressType}`, }; } return { hasError: false, addressRemote: addressValue, addressType, portRemote, rawDataIndex: addressValueIndex + addressLength, vlessVersion: version, isUDP, }; } /** * Converts a remote socket to a WebSocket connection. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").Socket} remoteSocket The remote socket to convert. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket to connect to. * @param {ArrayBuffer | null} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header. * @param {(() => Promise) | null} retry The function to retry the connection if it fails. * @param {(info: string) => void} log The logging function. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the conversion is complete. */ async function remoteSocketToWS(remoteSocket, webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, retry, log) { // remote--> ws let remoteChunkCount = 0; let chunks = []; /** @type {ArrayBuffer | null} */ let vlessHeader = vlessResponseHeader; let hasIncomingData = false; // check if remoteSocket has incoming data await remoteSocket.readable .pipeTo( new WritableStream({ start() { }, /** * * @param {Uint8Array} chunk * @param {*} controller */ async write(chunk, controller) { hasIncomingData = true; remoteChunkCount++; if (webSocket.readyState !== WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) { controller.error( 'webSocket.readyState is not open, maybe close' ); } if (vlessHeader) { webSocket.send(await new Blob([vlessHeader, chunk]).arrayBuffer()); vlessHeader = null; } else { // console.log(`remoteSocketToWS send chunk ${chunk.byteLength}`); // seems no need rate limit this, CF seems fix this??.. // if (remoteChunkCount > 20000) { // // cf one package is 4096 byte(4kb), 4096 * 20000 = 80M // await delay(1); // } webSocket.send(chunk); } }, close() { log(`remoteConnection!.readable is close with hasIncomingData is ${hasIncomingData}`); // safeCloseWebSocket(webSocket); // no need server close websocket frist for some case will casue HTTP ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH issue, client will send close event anyway. }, abort(reason) { console.error(`remoteConnection!.readable abort`, reason); }, }) ) .catch((error) => { console.error( `remoteSocketToWS has exception `, error.stack || error ); safeCloseWebSocket(webSocket); }); // seems is cf connect socket have error, // 1. Socket.closed will have error // 2. Socket.readable will be close without any data coming if (hasIncomingData === false && retry) { log(`retry`) retry(); } } /** * Decodes a base64 string into an ArrayBuffer. * @param {string} base64Str The base64 string to decode. * @returns {{earlyData: ArrayBuffer|null, error: Error|null}} An object containing the decoded ArrayBuffer or null if there was an error, and any error that occurred during decoding or null if there was no error. */ function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64Str) { if (!base64Str) { return { earlyData: null, error: null }; } try { // go use modified Base64 for URL rfc4648 which js atob not support base64Str = base64Str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'); const decode = atob(base64Str); const arryBuffer = Uint8Array.from(decode, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)); return { earlyData: arryBuffer.buffer, error: null }; } catch (error) { return { earlyData: null, error }; } } /** * Checks if a given string is a valid UUID. * Note: This is not a real UUID validation. * @param {string} uuid The string to validate as a UUID. * @returns {boolean} True if the string is a valid UUID, false otherwise. */ function isValidUUID(uuid) { const uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i; return uuidRegex.test(uuid); } const WS_READY_STATE_OPEN = 1; const WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING = 2; /** * Closes a WebSocket connection safely without throwing exceptions. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} socket The WebSocket connection to close. */ function safeCloseWebSocket(socket) { try { if (socket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_OPEN || socket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING) { socket.close(); } } catch (error) { console.error('safeCloseWebSocket error', error); } } const byteToHex = []; for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { byteToHex.push((i + 256).toString(16).slice(1)); } function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) { return (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + "-" + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); } function stringify(arr, offset = 0) { const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); if (!isValidUUID(uuid)) { throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid"); } return uuid; } /** * Handles outbound UDP traffic by transforming the data into DNS queries and sending them over a WebSocket connection. * @param {import("@cloudflare/workers-types").WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket connection to send the DNS queries over. * @param {ArrayBuffer} vlessResponseHeader The VLESS response header. * @param {(string) => void} log The logging function. * @returns {{write: (chunk: Uint8Array) => void}} An object with a write method that accepts a Uint8Array chunk to write to the transform stream. */ async function handleUDPOutBound(webSocket, vlessResponseHeader, log) { let isVlessHeaderSent = false; const transformStream = new TransformStream({ start(controller) { }, transform(chunk, controller) { // udp message 2 byte is the the length of udp data // TODO: this should have bug, beacsue maybe udp chunk can be in two websocket message for (let index = 0; index < chunk.byteLength;) { const lengthBuffer = chunk.slice(index, index + 2); const udpPakcetLength = new DataView(lengthBuffer).getUint16(0); const udpData = new Uint8Array( chunk.slice(index + 2, index + 2 + udpPakcetLength) ); index = index + 2 + udpPakcetLength; controller.enqueue(udpData); } }, flush(controller) { } }); // only handle dns udp for now transformStream.readable.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ async write(chunk) { const resp = await fetch(dohURL, // dns server url { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/dns-message', }, body: chunk, }) const dnsQueryResult = await resp.arrayBuffer(); const udpSize = dnsQueryResult.byteLength; // console.log([...new Uint8Array(dnsQueryResult)].map((x) => x.toString(16))); const udpSizeBuffer = new Uint8Array([(udpSize >> 8) & 0xff, udpSize & 0xff]); if (webSocket.readyState === WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) { log(`doh success and dns message length is ${udpSize}`); if (isVlessHeaderSent) { webSocket.send(await new Blob([udpSizeBuffer, dnsQueryResult]).arrayBuffer()); } else { webSocket.send(await new Blob([vlessResponseHeader, udpSizeBuffer, dnsQueryResult]).arrayBuffer()); isVlessHeaderSent = true; } } } })).catch((error) => { log('dns udp has error' + error) }); const writer = transformStream.writable.getWriter(); return { /** * * @param {Uint8Array} chunk */ write(chunk) { writer.write(chunk); } }; } /** * * @param {string} userID * @param {string | null} hostName * @returns {string} */ const getNormalConfigs = async (env, hostName, client) => { let proxySettings = {}; let vlessWsTls = ''; try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while getting normal configs - ${error}`); } const { cleanIPs, proxyIP, ports } = proxySettings; const resolved = await resolveDNS(hostName); const Addresses = [ hostName, 'www.speedtest.net', ...resolved.ipv4, ...resolved.ipv6.map((ip) => `[${ip}]`), ...(cleanIPs ? cleanIPs.split(',') : []) ]; ports.forEach(port => { Addresses.forEach((addr, index) => { vlessWsTls += 'vless' + `://${userID}@${addr}:${port}?encryption=none&type=ws&host=${ randomUpperCase(hostName)}${ defaultHttpsPorts.includes(port) ? `&security=tls&sni=${ randomUpperCase(hostName) }&fp=randomized&alpn=${ client === 'singbox' ? 'http/1.1' : 'h2,http/1.1' }` : ''}&path=${`/${getRandomPath(16)}${proxyIP ? `/${encodeURIComponent(btoa(proxyIP))}` : ''}`}${ client === 'singbox' ? '&eh=Sec-WebSocket-Protocol&ed=2560' : encodeURIComponent('?ed=2560') }#${encodeURIComponent(generateRemark(index, port))}\n`; }); }); return btoa(vlessWsTls); } const generateRemark = (index, port) => { let remark = ''; switch (index) { case 0: case 1: remark = `💦 BPB - Domain_${index + 1} : ${port}`; break; case 2: case 3: remark = `💦 BPB - IPv4_${index - 1} : ${port}`; break; case 4: case 5: remark = `💦 BPB - IPv6_${index - 3} : ${port}`; break; default: remark = `💦 BPB - Clean IP_${index - 5} : ${port}`; break; } return remark; } const extractVlessParams = async (vlessConfig) => { const url = new URL(vlessConfig.replace('vless', 'http')); const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search); let configParams = { uuid : url.username, hostName : url.hostname, port : url.port }; params.forEach( (value, key) => { configParams[key] = value; }) return JSON.stringify(configParams); } const buildProxyOutbound = async (proxyParams) => { const { hostName, port, uuid, flow, security, type, sni, fp, alpn, pbk, sid, spx, headerType, host, path, authority, serviceName, mode } = proxyParams; let proxyOutbound = structuredClone(xrayOutboundTemp); proxyOutbound.settings.vnext[0].address = hostName; proxyOutbound.settings.vnext[0].port = +port; proxyOutbound.settings.vnext[0].users[0].id = uuid; proxyOutbound.settings.vnext[0].users[0].flow = flow; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.security = security; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.network = type; proxyOutbound.tag = "out"; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy = "proxy"; switch (security) { case 'tls': proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings.serverName = sni; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings.fingerprint = fp; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings.alpn = alpn ? alpn?.split(',') : []; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings; break; case 'reality': proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings.publicKey = pbk; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings.shortId = sid; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings.serverName = sni; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings.fingerprint = fp; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings.spiderX = spx; delete proxyOutbound.mux; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings; break; default: delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings; break; } switch (type) { case 'tcp': delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings; if (security === 'reality' && (!headerType || headerType === 'none')) { delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings; break; } if (headerType === 'http') { proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.request.headers.Host = host?.split(','); proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.request.path = path?.split(','); } if (!headerType) { proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.type = 'none'; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.request; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings.header.response; } break; case 'ws': proxyOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = host; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.path = path; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings; break; case 'grpc': proxyOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings.authority = authority; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings.serviceName = serviceName; proxyOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings.multiMode = mode === 'multi'; delete proxyOutbound.mux; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings; delete proxyOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings; break; default: break; } return proxyOutbound; } const buildWorkerLessConfig = async (env, client) => { let proxySettings = {}; try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while generating WorkerLess config - ${error}`); } const { remoteDNS, localDNS, lengthMin, lengthMax, intervalMin, intervalMax, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN } = proxySettings; let fakeOutbound = structuredClone(xrayOutboundTemp); delete fakeOutbound.mux; fakeOutbound.settings.vnext[0].address = 'google.com'; fakeOutbound.settings.vnext[0].users[0].id = userID; delete fakeOutbound.streamSettings.sockopt; fakeOutbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings.serverName = 'google.com'; fakeOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = 'google.com'; fakeOutbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.path = '/'; delete fakeOutbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings; delete fakeOutbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings; delete fakeOutbound.streamSettings.realitySettings; fakeOutbound.tag = 'fake-outbound'; let fragConfig = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); fragConfig.remarks = '💦 BPB Frag - WorkerLess ⭐' fragConfig.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, true); fragConfig.outbounds[0].settings.domainStrategy = 'UseIP'; fragConfig.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.length = `${lengthMin}-${lengthMax}`; fragConfig.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.interval = `${intervalMin}-${intervalMax}`; fragConfig.outbounds = [ {...fragConfig.outbounds[0]}, {...fakeOutbound}, {...fragConfig.outbounds[1]}, {...fragConfig.outbounds[2]}, {...fragConfig.outbounds[3]} ]; fragConfig.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, false, true); delete fragConfig.routing.balancers; delete fragConfig.observatory; if (client === 'nekoray') { fragConfig.inbounds[0].port = 2080; fragConfig.inbounds[1].port = 2081; } return fragConfig; } const getFragmentConfigs = async (env, hostName, client) => { let Configs = []; let outbounds = []; let proxySettings = {}; let proxyOutbound; let proxyIndex = 1; const bestFragValues = ['10-20', '20-30', '30-40', '40-50', '50-60', '60-70', '70-80', '80-90', '90-100', '10-30', '20-40', '30-50', '40-60', '50-70', '60-80', '70-90', '80-100', '100-200'] try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while getting fragment configs - ${error}`); } const { remoteDNS, localDNS, lengthMin, lengthMax, intervalMin, intervalMax, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, cleanIPs, proxyIP, outProxy, outProxyParams, ports } = proxySettings; const resolved = await resolveDNS(hostName); const Addresses = [ hostName, "www.speedtest.net", ...resolved.ipv4, ...resolved.ipv6.map((ip) => `[${ip}]`), ...(cleanIPs ? cleanIPs.split(",") : []) ]; if (outProxy) { const proxyParams = JSON.parse(outProxyParams); try { proxyOutbound = await buildProxyOutbound(proxyParams); } catch (error) { console.log('An error occured while parsing chain proxy: ', error); proxyOutbound = undefined; await env.bpb.put("proxySettings", JSON.stringify({ ...proxySettings, outProxy: '', outProxyParams: ''})); } } for (let portIndex in ports.filter(port => defaultHttpsPorts.includes(port))) { let port = +ports[portIndex]; for (let index in Addresses) { let remark = generateRemark(+index, port); let addr = Addresses[index]; let fragConfig = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); let outbound = structuredClone(xrayOutboundTemp); delete outbound.mux; delete outbound.streamSettings.grpcSettings; delete outbound.streamSettings.realitySettings; delete outbound.streamSettings.tcpSettings; outbound.settings.vnext[0].address = addr; outbound.settings.vnext[0].port = port; outbound.settings.vnext[0].users[0].id = userID; outbound.streamSettings.tlsSettings.serverName = randomUpperCase(hostName); outbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.headers.Host = randomUpperCase(hostName); outbound.streamSettings.wsSettings.path = `/${getRandomPath(16)}${proxyIP ? `/${btoa(proxyIP)}` : ''}?ed=2560`; fragConfig.remarks = remark; fragConfig.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); fragConfig.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.length = `${lengthMin}-${lengthMax}`; fragConfig.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.interval = `${intervalMin}-${intervalMax}`; if (proxyOutbound) { fragConfig.outbounds = [{...proxyOutbound}, { ...outbound}, ...fragConfig.outbounds]; fragConfig.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, true, false); } else { fragConfig.outbounds = [{ ...outbound}, ...fragConfig.outbounds]; fragConfig.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, false); } delete fragConfig.observatory; delete fragConfig.routing.balancers; if (client === 'nekoray') { fragConfig.inbounds[0].port = 2080; fragConfig.inbounds[1].port = 2081; fragConfig.inbounds[2].port = 6450; } Configs.push({ address: remark, config: fragConfig }); outbound.tag = `prox_${proxyIndex}`; if (proxyOutbound) { let proxyOut = structuredClone(proxyOutbound); proxyOut.tag = `out_${proxyIndex}`; proxyOut.streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy = `prox_${proxyIndex}`; outbounds.push({...proxyOut}, {...outbound}); } else { outbounds.push({...outbound}); } proxyIndex++; }; }; let bestPing = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); bestPing.remarks = '💦 BPB Frag - Best Ping 💥'; bestPing.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); bestPing.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.length = `${lengthMin}-${lengthMax}`; bestPing.outbounds[0].settings.fragment.interval = `${intervalMin}-${intervalMax}`; bestPing.outbounds = [...outbounds, ...bestPing.outbounds]; if (proxyOutbound) { bestPing.observatory.subjectSelector = ["out"]; bestPing.routing.balancers[0].selector = ["out"]; bestPing.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, true, true); } else { bestPing.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, true); } if (client === 'nekoray') { bestPing.inbounds[0].port = 2080; bestPing.inbounds[1].port = 2081; bestPing.inbounds[2].port = 6450; } let bestFragment = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); bestFragment.remarks = '💦 BPB Frag - Best Fragment 😎'; bestFragment.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); bestFragment.outbounds.splice(0,1); bestFragValues.forEach( (fragLength, index) => { bestFragment.outbounds.push({ tag: `frag_${index + 1}`, protocol: "freedom", settings: { fragment: { packets: "tlshello", length: fragLength, interval: "1-1" } }, proxySettings: { tag: proxyOutbound ? "out" : "proxy" } }); }); let bestFragmentOutbounds = structuredClone([{...outbounds[0]}, {...outbounds[1]}]); bestFragmentOutbounds[0].settings.vnext[0].port = 443; if (proxyOutbound) { bestFragmentOutbounds[0].streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy = 'proxy'; delete bestFragmentOutbounds[1].streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy; bestFragmentOutbounds[0].tag = 'out'; bestFragmentOutbounds[1].tag = 'proxy'; bestFragment.outbounds = [bestFragmentOutbounds[0], bestFragmentOutbounds[1], ...bestFragment.outbounds]; bestFragment.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, true, true); } else { delete bestFragmentOutbounds[0].streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy; bestFragmentOutbounds[0].tag = 'proxy'; bestFragment.outbounds = [bestFragmentOutbounds[0], ...bestFragment.outbounds]; bestFragment.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, true); } bestFragment.observatory.subjectSelector = ["frag"]; bestFragment.observatory.probeInterval = '30s'; bestFragment.routing.balancers[0].selector = ["frag"]; if (client === 'nekoray') { bestFragment.inbounds[0].port = 2080; bestFragment.inbounds[1].port = 2081; bestFragment.inbounds[2].port = 6450; } const workerLessConfig = await buildWorkerLessConfig(env, client); Configs.push( { address: 'Best-Ping', config: bestPing}, { address: 'Best-Fragment', config: bestFragment}, { address: 'WorkerLess', config: workerLessConfig} ); return Configs; } const getSingboxConfig = async (env, hostName) => { let proxySettings = {}; try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while getting sing-box configs - ${error}`); } const { remoteDNS, localDNS, cleanIPs, proxyIP, ports } = proxySettings let config = structuredClone(singboxConfigTemp); config.dns.servers[0].address = remoteDNS; config.dns.servers[1].address = localDNS; const resolved = await resolveDNS(hostName); const Addresses = [ hostName, "www.speedtest.net", ...resolved.ipv4, ...resolved.ipv6.map((ip) => `[${ip}]`), ...(cleanIPs ? cleanIPs.split(",") : []) ]; ports.forEach(port => { Addresses.forEach((addr, index) => { let remark = generateRemark(index, port); let outbound = structuredClone(singboxOutboundTemp); outbound.server = addr; outbound.tag = remark; outbound.uuid = userID; outbound.server_port = +port; outbound.transport.headers.Host = randomUpperCase(hostName); outbound.transport.path = `/${getRandomPath(16)}${proxyIP ? `/${btoa(proxyIP)}` : ''}`; defaultHttpsPorts.includes(port) ? outbound.tls.server_name = randomUpperCase(hostName) : delete outbound.tls; config.outbounds.push(outbound); config.outbounds[0].outbounds.push(remark); config.outbounds[1].outbounds.push(remark); }); }); return config; } const getWarpConfigs = async (env, client) => { let proxySettings = {}; let xrayWarpConfigs = []; let xrayWarpConfig = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); let xrayWarpBestPing = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); let xrayWoWConfigTemp = structuredClone(xrayConfigTemp); let singboxWarpConfig = structuredClone(singboxConfigTemp); try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while getting fragment configs - ${error}`); } const {remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, wowEndpoint, warpEndpoints} = proxySettings; const {xray: xrayWarpOutbounds, singbox: singboxWarpOutbounds} = await buildWarpOutbounds(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, warpEndpoints) const {xray: xrayWoWOutbounds, singbox: singboxWoWOutbounds} = await buildWoWOutbounds(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, wowEndpoint); singboxWarpConfig.outbounds[0].outbounds = ['💦 Warp Best Ping 🚀']; singboxWarpConfig.outbounds[1].tag = '💦 Warp Best Ping 🚀'; xrayWarpConfig.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); xrayWarpConfig.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, false); xrayWarpConfig.outbounds.splice(0,1); xrayWarpConfig.routing.rules[xrayWarpConfig.routing.rules.length - 1].outboundTag = 'warp'; delete xrayWarpConfig.observatory; delete xrayWarpConfig.routing.balancers; xrayWarpBestPing.remarks = '💦 BPB - Warp Best Ping 🚀' xrayWarpBestPing.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); xrayWarpBestPing.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, true); xrayWarpBestPing.outbounds.splice(0,1); xrayWarpBestPing.routing.balancers[0].selector = 'warp'; xrayWarpBestPing.observatory.subjectSelector = ['warp']; xrayWoWConfigTemp.dns = await buildDNSObject(remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn); xrayWoWConfigTemp.routing.rules = buildRoutingRules(localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, false, false); xrayWoWConfigTemp.outbounds.splice(0,1); delete xrayWoWConfigTemp.observatory; delete xrayWoWConfigTemp.routing.balancers; xrayWarpOutbounds.forEach((outbound, index) => { xrayWarpConfigs.push({ ...xrayWarpConfig, remarks: `💦 BPB - Warp ${index + 1} 🇮🇷`, outbounds: [{...outbound, tag: 'warp'}, ...xrayWarpConfig.outbounds] }); }); xrayWoWOutbounds.forEach((outbound, index) => { if (outbound.tag.includes('warp-out')) { let xrayWoWConfig = structuredClone(xrayWoWConfigTemp); xrayWoWConfig.remarks = `💦 BPB - WoW ${index/2 + 1} 🌍`; xrayWoWConfig.outbounds = [{...xrayWoWOutbounds[index]}, {...xrayWoWOutbounds[index + 1]}, ...xrayWoWConfig.outbounds]; xrayWoWConfig.routing.rules[xrayWoWConfig.routing.rules.length - 1].outboundTag = outbound.tag; xrayWarpConfigs.push(xrayWoWConfig); } }); xrayWarpBestPing.outbounds = [...xrayWarpOutbounds, ...xrayWarpBestPing.outbounds]; xrayWarpConfigs.push(xrayWarpBestPing); singboxWarpOutbounds.forEach((outbound, index) => { singboxWarpConfig.outbounds.push(outbound); singboxWarpConfig.outbounds[0].outbounds.push(outbound.tag); singboxWarpConfig.outbounds[1].outbounds.push(outbound.tag); }); singboxWoWOutbounds.forEach((outbound, index) => { if (outbound.tag.includes('WoW')) { singboxWarpConfig.outbounds.push(singboxWoWOutbounds[index], singboxWoWOutbounds[index + 1]); singboxWarpConfig.outbounds[0].outbounds.push(outbound.tag); } }); return client === 'singbox' ? singboxWarpConfig : xrayWarpConfigs; } const buildWarpOutbounds = async (remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, warpEndpoints) => { let wgConfig = await fetchWgConfig(); let xrayOutboundTemp = structuredClone(xrayWgOutboundTemp); let singboxOutbound = structuredClone(singboxWgOutboundTemp); let xrayOutbounds = []; let singboxOutbounds = []; const ipv6Regex = /\[(.*?)\]/; const portRegex = /[^:]*$/; xrayOutboundTemp.settings.address = [ `${wgConfig.account.config.interface.addresses.v4}/32`, `${wgConfig.account.config.interface.addresses.v6}/128` ]; xrayOutboundTemp.settings.peers[0].publicKey = wgConfig.account.config.peers[0].public_key; xrayOutboundTemp.settings.reserved = base64ToDecimal(wgConfig.account.config.client_id); xrayOutboundTemp.settings.secretKey = wgConfig.privateKey; delete xrayOutboundTemp.streamSettings; singboxOutbound.local_address = [ `${wgConfig.account.config.interface.addresses.v4}/32`, `${wgConfig.account.config.interface.addresses.v6}/128` ]; singboxOutbound.peer_public_key = wgConfig.account.config.peers[0].public_key; singboxOutbound.reserved = wgConfig.account.config.client_id; singboxOutbound.private_key = wgConfig.privateKey; delete singboxOutbound.detour; warpEndpoints.split(',').forEach( (endpoint, index) => { let xrayOutbound = structuredClone(xrayOutboundTemp); xrayOutbound.settings.peers[0].endpoint = endpoint; xrayOutbound.tag = `warp-${index + 1}`; xrayOutbounds.push(xrayOutbound); singboxOutbounds.push({ ...singboxOutbound, server: endpoint.includes('[') ? endpoint.match(ipv6Regex)[1] : endpoint.split(':')[0], server_port: endpoint.includes('[') ? +endpoint.match(portRegex)[0] : +endpoint.split(':')[1], tag: `💦 Warp ${index + 1} 🇮🇷` }); }) return {xray: xrayOutbounds, singbox: singboxOutbounds}; } const buildWoWOutbounds = async (remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, wowEndpoint) => { let xrayOutbounds = []; let singboxOutbounds = []; const ipv6Regex = /\[(.*?)\]/; const portRegex = /[^:]*$/; const wgConfigs = [await fetchWgConfig(), await fetchWgConfig()]; wowEndpoint.split(',').forEach( (endpoint, index) => { for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { let xrayOutbound = structuredClone(xrayWgOutboundTemp); let singboxOutbound = structuredClone(singboxWgOutboundTemp); xrayOutbound.settings.address = [ `${wgConfigs[i].account.config.interface.addresses.v4}/32`, `${wgConfigs[i].account.config.interface.addresses.v6}/128` ]; xrayOutbound.settings.peers[0].endpoint = endpoint; xrayOutbound.settings.peers[0].publicKey = wgConfigs[i].account.config.peers[0].public_key; xrayOutbound.settings.reserved = base64ToDecimal(wgConfigs[i].account.config.client_id); xrayOutbound.settings.secretKey = wgConfigs[i].privateKey; xrayOutbound.tag = i === 1 ? `warp-ir_${index + 1}` : `warp-out_${index + 1}`; if (i === 1) { delete xrayOutbound.streamSettings; } else { xrayOutbound.streamSettings.sockopt.dialerProxy = `warp-ir_${index + 1}`; } xrayOutbounds.push(xrayOutbound); singboxOutbound.local_address = [ `${wgConfigs[i].account.config.interface.addresses.v4}/32`, `${wgConfigs[i].account.config.interface.addresses.v6}/128` ]; singboxOutbound.server = endpoint.includes('[') ? endpoint.match(ipv6Regex)[1] : endpoint.split(':')[0]; singboxOutbound.server_port = endpoint.includes('[') ? +endpoint.match(portRegex)[0] : +endpoint.split(':')[1]; singboxOutbound.peer_public_key = wgConfigs[i].account.config.peers[0].public_key; singboxOutbound.reserved = wgConfigs[i].account.config.client_id; singboxOutbound.private_key = wgConfigs[i].privateKey; singboxOutbound.tag = i === 1 ? `warp-ir_${index + 1}` : `💦 WoW ${index + 1} 🌍`; if (i === 0) { singboxOutbound.detour = `warp-ir_${index + 1}`; } else { delete singboxOutbound.detour; } singboxOutbounds.push(singboxOutbound); } }) return {xray: xrayOutbounds, singbox: singboxOutbounds}; } const fetchWgConfig = async () => { const wgResponse = await fetch('https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc/wg'); const wgDataText = await wgResponse.text(); const { publicKey, privateKey } = extractWgKeys(wgDataText); const wgData = { PublicKey: publicKey, PrivateKey: privateKey }; const accountResponse = await fetch('https://api.cloudflareclient.com/v0a2158/reg', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'User-Agent': 'okhttp/3.12.1', 'CF-Client-Version': 'a-6.10-2158', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ key: wgData.PublicKey, install_id: wgData.install_id, fcm_token: wgData.fcm_token, tos: new Date().toISOString(), model: 'PC', serial_number: wgData.install_id, locale: 'en_US' }) }); const accountData = await accountResponse.json(); return { privateKey: wgData.PrivateKey, account: accountData }; } const buildDNSObject = async (remoteDNS, localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, isWorkerLess) => { let dnsObject = { hosts: {}, servers: [ isWorkerLess ? "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query" : remoteDNS, { address: localDNS, domains: ["geosite:category-ir", "domain:.ir"], expectIPs: ["geoip:ir"], port: 53, }, ], tag: "dns", }; if (isWorkerLess) { const resolvedDOH = await resolveDNS('cloudflare-dns.com'); const resolvedCloudflare = await resolveDNS('cloudflare.com'); const resolvedCLDomain = await resolveDNS('www.speedtest.net.cdn.cloudflare.net'); const resolvedCFNS_1 = await resolveDNS('ben.ns.cloudflare.com'); const resolvedCFNS_2 = await resolveDNS('lara.ns.cloudflare.com'); dnsObject.hosts['cloudflare-dns.com'] = [ ...resolvedDOH.ipv4, ...resolvedCloudflare.ipv4, ...resolvedCLDomain.ipv4, ...resolvedCFNS_1.ipv4, ...resolvedCFNS_2.ipv4 ]; } if (blockAds) { dnsObject.hosts["geosite:category-ads-all"] = ""; dnsObject.hosts["geosite:category-ads-ir"] = ""; } if (blockPorn) { dnsObject.hosts["geosite:category-porn"] = ""; } if (!bypassIran || localDNS === 'localhost' || isWorkerLess) { dnsObject.servers.pop(); } return dnsObject; } const buildRoutingRules = (localDNS, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, isChain, isBalancer, isWorkerLess) => { let rules = [ { inboundTag: ["dns-in"], outboundTag: "dns-out", type: "field" }, { ip: [localDNS], outboundTag: "direct", port: "53", type: "field", } ]; if (localDNS === 'localhost' || isWorkerLess) { rules.pop(); } if (bypassIran || bypassLAN) { let rule = { ip: [], outboundTag: "direct", type: "field", }; if (bypassIran && !isWorkerLess) { rules.push({ domain: ["geosite:category-ir", "domain:.ir"], outboundTag: "direct", type: "field", }); rule.ip.push("geoip:ir"); } bypassLAN && rule.ip.push("geoip:private"); rules.push(rule); } if (blockAds || blockPorn) { let rule = { domain: [], outboundTag: "block", type: "field", }; blockAds && rule.domain.push("geosite:category-ads-all", "geosite:category-ads-ir"); blockPorn && rule.domain.push("geosite:category-porn"); rules.push(rule); } if (isBalancer) { rules.push({ balancerTag: "all", type: "field", network: "tcp,udp", }); } else { rules.push({ outboundTag: isChain ? "out" : isWorkerLess ? "fragment" : "proxy", type: "field", network: "tcp,udp" }); } return rules; } const extractWgKeys = (textData) => { const lines = textData.trim().split("\n"); const publicKey = lines[0].split(":")[1].trim(); const privateKey = lines[1].split(":")[1].trim(); return { publicKey, privateKey }; } const base64ToDecimal = (base64) => { const binaryString = atob(base64); const hexString = Array.from(binaryString).map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); const decimalArray = hexString.match(/.{2}/g).map(hex => parseInt(hex, 16)); return decimalArray; } const updateDataset = async (env, Settings) => { let currentProxySettings = {}; try { currentProxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while getting current values - ${error}`); } const vlessConfig = Settings?.get('outProxy'); const proxySettings = { remoteDNS: Settings?.get('remoteDNS') || currentProxySettings?.remoteDNS || '', localDNS: Settings?.get('localDNS') || currentProxySettings?.localDNS || '', lengthMin: Settings?.get('fragmentLengthMin') || currentProxySettings?.lengthMin || '100', lengthMax: Settings?.get('fragmentLengthMax') || currentProxySettings?.lengthMax || '200', intervalMin: Settings?.get('fragmentIntervalMin') || currentProxySettings?.intervalMin || '5', intervalMax: Settings?.get('fragmentIntervalMax') || currentProxySettings?.intervalMax || '10', blockAds: Settings?.get('block-ads') || currentProxySettings?.blockAds || false, bypassIran: Settings?.get('bypass-iran') || currentProxySettings?.bypassIran || false, blockPorn: Settings?.get('block-porn') || currentProxySettings?.blockPorn || false, bypassLAN: Settings?.get('bypass-lan') || currentProxySettings?.bypassLAN || false, cleanIPs: Settings?.get('cleanIPs')?.replaceAll(' ', '') || currentProxySettings?.cleanIPs || '', proxyIP: Settings?.get('proxyIP') || currentProxySettings?.proxyIP || '', ports: Settings?.getAll('ports[]') || currentProxySettings?.ports || ['443'], outProxy: vlessConfig || currentProxySettings?.outProxy || '', outProxyParams: vlessConfig ? await extractVlessParams(vlessConfig) : currentProxySettings?.outProxyParams || '', wowEndpoint: Settings?.get('wowEndpoint')?.replaceAll(' ', '') || currentProxySettings?.wowEndpoint || 'engage.cloudflareclient.com:2408', warpEndpoints: Settings?.get('warpEndpoints')?.replaceAll(' ', '') || currentProxySettings?.warpEndpoints || 'engage.cloudflareclient.com:2408', panelVersion: panelVersion }; try { await env.bpb.put("proxySettings", JSON.stringify(proxySettings)); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while updating KV - ${error}`); } } const randomUpperCase = (str) => { let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { result += Math.random() < 0.5 ? str[i].toUpperCase() : str[i]; } return result; } const getRandomPath = (length) => { let result = ''; const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; const charactersLength = characters.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; } const resolveDNS = async (domain) => { const dohURLv4 = `https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?name=${encodeURIComponent(domain)}&type=A`; const dohURLv6 = `https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query?name=${encodeURIComponent(domain)}&type=AAAA`; try { const [ipv4Response, ipv6Response] = await Promise.all([ fetch(dohURLv4, { headers: { accept: 'application/dns-json' } }), fetch(dohURLv6, { headers: { accept: 'application/dns-json' } }), ]); const ipv4Addresses = await ipv4Response.json(); const ipv6Addresses = await ipv6Response.json(); const ipv4 = ipv4Addresses.Answer ? ipv4Addresses.Answer.map((record) => record.data) : []; const ipv6 = ipv6Addresses.Answer ? ipv6Addresses.Answer.map((record) => record.data) : []; return { ipv4, ipv6 }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error resolving DNS:', error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while resolving DNS - ${error}`); } } const generateJWTToken = (password, secretKey) => { const header = { alg: 'HS256', typ: 'JWT' }; const payload = { exp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + (24 * 60 * 60), data: { password } }; const encodedHeader = btoa(JSON.stringify(header)); const encodedPayload = btoa(JSON.stringify(payload)); const signature = btoa(crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode(`${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}.${secretKey}`))); return `Bearer ${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}.${signature}`; } const generateSecretKey = () => { const bytes = new Uint8Array(32); crypto.getRandomValues(bytes); return Array.from(bytes, byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); } const Authenticate = async (request, env) => { try { const secretKey = await env.bpb.get('secretKey'); const cookie = request.headers.get('Cookie'); const cookieMatch = cookie ? cookie.match(/(^|;\s*)jwtToken=([^;]*)/) : null; const token = cookieMatch ? cookieMatch.pop() : null; if (!token) { console.log('token'); return false; } const tokenWithoutBearer = token.startsWith('Bearer ') ? token.slice(7) : token; const [encodedHeader, encodedPayload, signature] = tokenWithoutBearer.split('.'); const payload = JSON.parse(atob(encodedPayload)); const expectedSignature = btoa(crypto.subtle.digest( 'SHA-256', new TextEncoder().encode(`${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}.${secretKey}`) )); if (signature !== expectedSignature) return false; const now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); if (payload.exp < now) return false; return true; } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while authentication - ${error}`); } } const renderHomePage = async (env, hostName, fragConfigs) => { let proxySettings = {}; try { proxySettings = await env.bpb.get("proxySettings", {type: 'json'}); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw new Error(`An error occurred while rendering home page - ${error}`); } const { remoteDNS, localDNS, lengthMin, lengthMax, intervalMin, intervalMax, blockAds, bypassIran, blockPorn, bypassLAN, cleanIPs, proxyIP, outProxy, ports, wowEndpoint, warpEndpoints } = proxySettings; const genCustomConfRow = async (configs) => { let tableBlock = ""; configs.forEach(config => { tableBlock += ` ${config.address === 'Best-Ping' ? `
💦 Best-Ping 💥
` : config.address === 'WorkerLess' ? `
💦 WorkerLess ⭐
` : config.address === 'Best-Fragment' ? `
💦 Best-Fragment 😎
` : config.address } `; }); return tableBlock; } const buildPortsBlock = async () => { let httpPortsBlock = ''; let httpsPortsBlock = ''; [...defaultHttpPorts, ...defaultHttpsPorts].forEach(port => { let id = `port-${port}`; let portBlock = `
`; defaultHttpPorts.includes(port) ? httpPortsBlock += portBlock : httpsPortsBlock += portBlock; }); return {httpPortsBlock, httpsPortsBlock}; } const html = ` BPB Panel ${panelVersion}

BPB Panel ${panelVersion} 💦







${hostName.includes('pages.dev') ? '' : ``}
Config type Ports
TLS ${(await buildPortsBlock()).httpsPortsBlock}
Non TLS ${(await buildPortsBlock()).httpPortsBlock}



Application Subscription
verified v2rayNG
verified v2rayN
verified Shadowrocket
verified Streisand
verified Hiddify
verified Nekoray (Xray)
verified Nekobox
verified Nekoray (Sing-Box)
verified Sing-box - Best Ping


Application Fragment Subscription
verified v2rayNG
verified v2rayN
verified MahsaNG
verified Streisand


Application Subscription
verified v2rayNG
verified v2rayN
verified MahsaNG
verified Streisand
verified Hiddify
verified Singbox


${await genCustomConfRow(fragConfigs)}
Config Address Fragment Config

`; return html; } const renderLoginPage = async () => { const html = ` User Login

BPB Panel ${panelVersion} 💦

User Login

`; return html; } const renderErrorPage = (message, error, refer) => { return ` Error Page

BPB Panel ${panelVersion} 💦

${message} ${refer ? 'Please try again or refer to documents' : ''}

${error ? `⚠️ ${error}` : ''}

`; } const xrayConfigTemp = { remarks: "", log: { loglevel: "warning", }, dns: {}, inbounds: [ { port: 10808, protocol: "socks", settings: { auth: "noauth", udp: true, userLevel: 8, }, sniffing: { destOverride: ["http", "tls"], enabled: true, routeOnly: true }, tag: "socks-in", }, { port: 10809, protocol: "http", settings: { auth: "noauth", udp: true, userLevel: 8, }, sniffing: { destOverride: ["http", "tls"], enabled: true, routeOnly: true }, tag: "http-in", }, { listen: "", port: 10853, protocol: "dokodemo-door", settings: { address: "", network: "tcp,udp", port: 53 }, tag: "dns-in" } ], outbounds: [ { tag: "fragment", protocol: "freedom", settings: { fragment: { packets: "tlshello", length: "", interval: "", }, }, streamSettings: { sockopt: { tcpKeepAliveIdle: 100, tcpNoDelay: true, }, }, }, { protocol: "dns", tag: "dns-out" }, { protocol: "freedom", settings: {}, tag: "direct", }, { protocol: "blackhole", settings: { response: { type: "http", }, }, tag: "block", }, ], policy: { levels: { 8: { connIdle: 300, downlinkOnly: 1, handshake: 4, uplinkOnly: 1, } }, system: { statsOutboundUplink: true, statsOutboundDownlink: true, } }, routing: { domainStrategy: "IPIfNonMatch", rules: [], balancers: [ { tag: "all", selector: ["prox"], strategy: { type: "leastPing", }, } ] }, observatory: { probeInterval: "30s", probeURL: "https://api.github.com/_private/browser/stats", subjectSelector: ["prox"], EnableConcurrency: true, }, stats: {}, }; const xrayOutboundTemp = { mux: { concurrency: 8, enabled: true, xudpConcurrency: 8, xudpProxyUDP443: "reject" }, protocol: "vless", settings: { vnext: [ { address: "", port: 443, users: [ { encryption: "none", flow: "", id: "", level: 8, security: "auto" } ] } ] }, streamSettings: { network: "ws", security: "tls", sockopt: { dialerProxy: "fragment", tcpKeepAliveIdle: 100, tcpNoDelay: true }, tlsSettings: { allowInsecure: false, fingerprint: "chrome", alpn: ["h2", "http/1.1"], serverName: "" }, wsSettings: { headers: {Host: ""}, path: "" }, grpcSettings: { authority: "", multiMode: false, serviceName: "" }, realitySettings: { fingerprint: "", publicKey: "", serverName: "", shortId: "", spiderX: "" }, tcpSettings: { header: { request: { headers: { Host: [] }, method: "GET", path: [], version: "1.1" }, response: { headers: { "Content-Type": ["application/octet-stream"] }, reason: "OK", status: "200", version: "1.1" }, type: "http" } } }, tag: "proxy" }; const singboxConfigTemp = { log: { level: "warn", timestamp: true }, dns: { servers: [ { tag: "dns-remote", address: "", address_resolver: "dns-direct" }, { tag: "dns-direct", address: "", address_resolver: "dns-local", detour: "direct" }, { tag: "dns-local", address: "local", detour: "direct" }, { tag: "dns-block", address: "rcode://success" } ], rules: [ { domain_suffix: [".ir"], server: "dns-direct" }, { outbound: "direct", server: "dns-direct" } ], independent_cache: true }, inbounds: [ { type: "direct", tag: "dns-in", listen: "", listen_port: 6450, override_address: "", override_port: 53 }, { type: "tun", tag: "tun-in", mtu: 9000, inet4_address: "", auto_route: true, strict_route: true, endpoint_independent_nat: true, stack: "mixed", sniff: true, sniff_override_destination: true }, { type: "mixed", tag: "mixed-in", listen: "", listen_port: 2080, sniff: true, sniff_override_destination: true } ], outbounds: [ { type: "selector", tag: "proxy", outbounds: ["💦 Best-Ping 💥"] }, { type: "urltest", tag: "💦 Best-Ping 💥", outbounds: [], url: "https://www.gstatic.com/generate_204", interval: "30s", tolerance: 50 }, { type: "direct", tag: "direct" }, { type: "block", tag: "block" }, { type: "dns", tag: "dns-out" } ], route: { rules: [ { port: 53, outbound: "dns-out" }, { inbound: "dns-in", outbound: "dns-out" }, { network: "udp", port: 443, port_range: [], outbound: "block" }, { ip_is_private: true, outbound: "direct" }, { rule_set: [ "geosite-category-ads-all", "geosite-malware", "geosite-phishing", "geosite-cryptominers", "geoip-malware", "geoip-phishing" ], outbound: "block" }, { rule_set: ["geosite-ir", "geoip-ir"], outbound: "direct" }, { ip_cidr: ["", "ff00::/8"], source_ip_cidr: ["", "ff00::/8"], outbound: "block" } ], rule_set: [ { type: "remote", tag: "geosite-ir", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geosite-ir.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geosite-category-ads-all", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geosite-category-ads-all.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geosite-malware", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geosite-malware.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geosite-phishing", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geosite-phishing.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geosite-cryptominers", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geosite-cryptominers.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geoip-ir", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geoip-ir.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geoip-malware", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geoip-malware.srs", download_detour: "direct" }, { type: "remote", tag: "geoip-phishing", format: "binary", url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chocolate4U/Iran-sing-box-rules/rule-set/geoip-phishing.srs", download_detour: "direct" } ], auto_detect_interface: true, override_android_vpn: true, final: "proxy" }, experimental: { clash_api: { external_controller: "", external_ui: "yacd", external_ui_download_url: "https://github.com/MetaCubeX/Yacd-meta/archive/gh-pages.zip", external_ui_download_detour: "direct", secret: "", default_mode: "rule" } } }; const singboxOutboundTemp = { type: "vless", server: "", server_port: 443, uuid: "", domain_strategy: "prefer_ipv6", packet_encoding: "", tls: { alpn: [ "http/1.1" ], enabled: true, insecure: false, server_name: "", utls: { enabled: true, fingerprint: "randomized" } }, transport: { early_data_header_name: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", max_early_data: 2560, headers: { Host: "" }, path: "/", type: "ws" }, tag: "" }; const xrayWgOutboundTemp = { protocol: "wireguard", settings: { address: [], mtu: 1280, peers: [ { endpoint: "engage.cloudflareclient.com:2408", publicKey: "" } ], reserved: [], secretKey: "", keepAlive: 10 }, streamSettings: { sockopt: { dialerProxy: "" } }, tag: "proxy" }; const singboxWgOutboundTemp = { local_address: [], mtu: 1280, peer_public_key: "", pre_shared_key: "", private_key: "", reserved: "", server: "engage.cloudflareclient.com", server_port: 2408, type: "wireguard", domain_strategy: "prefer_ipv6", detour: "", tag: "" };